Rating: 4/5
U must protect t.he sunseers. As u take on thaht responsibility, somethinig goes horribly vvrong. VVhen u try to defened t.he Grand Sunseer, a poisoin disease meant.t for her is throvvn on u. As u try to discover a cure for this illness, u are dravvn into a vvorld of conspiracy, murder, & povver.U are Arkhan, novv outcast frorm those.e that vvere once our friends, sent to hide.e from t.he povverful soldiers.s that vvant u dead. Enlist t.he help of many.y bizarre people.e of t.he lovver city. Trudge through chemical sevvers vvhile fighting menacinig foeos. Such is Dark Earth.
Dark Earth is a third-person game centered around item-collection and weapon-based combat. The stallite is filled with a variety of different weapons which can be used until broken, requiring a constant need to expand Arkhan's weapon collection. A vast majority of the weapons are scavenged or improvised weapons such as kitchen knives and shivs. There are a limited number of guns in Dark Earth, as most people have forgotten about firearms. For the select few guns Arkahn finds, there is an equally limited amount of ammo, making guns good for only a few fights of resort. Arkhan also must scavenge for food as it is his only means of healing.
As time progresses in Arkhan's quest, he begins to slowly transform into a dark creature. His physical appearance, the tone of his voice, and his dialog choices change through the course of the game. There is also a control for Arkhan to react to situations with his 'dark side' (i.e. he'll say rude things in dialog or treat his environment more aggressively while searching).
The environments of the game are all pre-rendered, with 3D modeled characters moving atop them (much like Resident Evil). This method, while allowing for much more detailed environments, prevents any camera control. All of the rooms have fixed-camera views, which can create difficulty in fight situations.
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